A humble little blog about books, information, and other things that are good to know.

Posts tagged ‘John Wyndam’

Scary Library: My Favourite Hallowe’en Reads

It’s the week of Hallowe’en, and in the spirit of the season, I’m spending the week blogging about the world of the ghoulish, the macabre, and the haunting in a series I’ve titled “Scary Library”. (Get it? It rhymes!)

To kick things off, I thought it was only fair to give a sampling of the stories I’ve read and loved in the past. You  may have surmised from my “What’s Your Librarian Reading?” posts that I’m a bit of a horror story fan. So, if you came into my library and asked me about some of my personal favourites, what would I say? Here, in no particular order, are my top ten choices.